Join the World Voluntaryist Organization and be a part of shaping the New Free World. Your commitment is a vital step toward a world founded on peace, freedom, and respect for individual rights.
Becoming a member of WVO and the New Free World is entirely free, and it entails no obligations other than a commitment to the Voluntaryist Covenant.
The World Voluntaryist Organization is not registered as a legal entity under any government. It is a non-profit organization that exclusively operates within the framework of the New Free World.
Within the framework of the New Free World and the principles upheld by the World Voluntaryist Organization, government-issued IDs or passports are not considered valid identification. These documents represents legal entities operating under a government's legal jurisdiction. In the Free World, individuals identify as free and sovereign entities, not bound to any legal entity other than themselves.
WVO employs a unique identification system known as Decentralized Identities (DID). In this system, you, as a free individual, have the power to create and maintain your own identification. This pure ID system serves no other purpose than to provide identification for individuals in the New Free World, underlining the principles of autonomy and self-control.
When you become a member of WVO, you register using your personal Decentralized Identity (DID). You have the option to create your own DID using DID software, or we can assist you in generating one when you sign up, ensuring your identity is established in line with our principles of individual autonomy and self-governance.
Become a member as an individual, organization, or an entire community. The New Free World welcomes participation from individuals, organizations, companies, and entire communities. You can select your membership type from the options below.